април 09, 2013

6 Little-Known Ways To Stay Current While Job Searching

6 Little-Known Ways To Stay Current While Job Searching

There’s loads of career advice out there, and for job seekers, I’m sure it can be overwhelming at times. How can you stay current while job searching?

Get Transcripts Or Copies Of Conferences

It’s likely you can’t afford to attend industry conferences if you’re out of a job. But there are other ways to benefit from the knowledge shared at these large events. See if they post videos or transcripts after the conference that you can look at. Or, contact the speakers directly. You could also…

Volunteer To Work Events

Just because you can’t afford to attend doesn’t mean you can’t. Conferences, events, and lectures always need volunteers to check people in, usher and set up. Get in contact with the coordinator of the event and volunteer your time. It’s a great way to meet people without the pressure of actually attending the event.

Join LinkedIn Groups And Ask/Answer Questions

Joining different types of LinkedIn Groups not only makes you look like a professional with solid interests, but you can learn a lot about different fields in the process. You can also help others by answering questions that align with your expertise and ask questions when you need help.

Interview Industry Experts For Your Blog

Instead of approaching industry experts asking for help finding a job, ask if you can interview them for your blog. In the process, you’ll get to ask questions about topics you’d like to know, and your audience can benefit from the answers too. You’ll also begin creating a professional relationship with the expert.

Get A Mentor

Okay, so this probably isn’t a little-known fact. But how many people actually reach out and ask someone to be his or her mentor? It can be a huge advantage to a job seeker to have an “in” – someone with a professional network that can help you and skills you can learn from.

Read Career And Industry Books

Blogs are great, but many pieces of advice on them are short and sweet. Blog posts may also leave you wondering, “How do I apply that to myself and my search?” Since books are longer and more in-depth, you can learn a lot more from their concepts and ideas. Tweeting and blogging about current books you’re reading can easily help form new relationships with others doing the same.
What else would you suggest for job seekers to stay current?

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