децембар 14, 2014

How To Tell When It’s Time To Find Another Job

How To Tell When It’s Time To Find Another Job
When is it time to move on to bigger and better things?
This is a question that most people never contemplate, which leads to one of three things happening:
  1. They get burnt out
  2. They lose better opportunities at other jobs
  3. They earn less income over their lifetime
Notice how nothing on that list is positive? That’s right. Nothing positive comes from staying at a job past its expiration date.
So, when is the right time to call it quits?
There are several valid reasons to find a new job. Many reasons are circumstantial and depend on the individual, but there is one universal reason to find another job that applies to everyone.
You should find a new job when new experiences begin to diminish. Once you begin to notice that you’ve done the same thing year after year it’s time to move on.
Why you might ask? You should move on when things become stale because doing the same thing over and over doesn’t show diversity and growth in your career, which makes you less valuable to future employers.
When you make decisions about your career and you choose certain jobs, you should always look at your experience through the lens of your resume. You should constantly ask yourself these three key questions:
  1. Is this job and this experience adding value to my resume?
  2. Does this job illustrate a pattern of growth?
  3. Have I learned any new valuable skills that can be utilized by other employers?
One very crucial thing that many people forget about employers is that they have zero interest in enhancing your career experience and they are not interested in making you more marketable for somebody else’s company.
That being said, it is up to you to be your own advocate and look out for what’s in your best interest.
If you’re curious about the timeframe you should stay employed at the same company, it’s generally 4-5 years. This is half a decade, which is plenty of time to illustrate to future employers that you are dedicated.
One thing to consider as well as it pertains to your tenure, is to think about it the way executives do. Executives rarely stay employed at the same company for longer than 4-5 years before they’re on to the next company that offers them a higher position with a better title, more pay and more perks.
If you want to climb the corporate ladder, approach your career like those who do it best and you’ll be well on your way.

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