јул 09, 2015

Signs You Should Look For A New Job

Signs You Should Look For A New Job

In most cases, people don’t realize their job is in jeopardy or that it’s time to move on to something else. However, I understand that changing jobs can be scary, especially in the current economy. But at times, it’s necessary because you can be happy and fulfilled one day, then laid off and depressed the next.
Nothing can be worse than holding on to a job that will give you a headache in the end. Here are three signs you should look for new job:

1. You’re Underpaid

The main reason why you seek employment is to get paid, to be able to pay your bills, and meet other basic needs. Moreover, you deserve to be rewarded for the work you do. If you’re underpaid, it will be hard for you to put extra effort to really excel.
This is because, to most people, pay is the best motivator. If you’re not motivated, you may fail to perform as required and you may end up being fired. Therefore, if you’re not being paid or you’re paid significantly less than you deserve, this can be a good reason for you to look for a better job that meets your needs. You can talk to your boss about a raise first, but if he or she doesn’t recognize the value of your skills, then it’s about time you look for a new job.

2. You’re Undervalued

When you do spectacular work on a given project, but if no one appreciates or recognizes your effort, it’s terribly discouraging. A good company should give you a pat on the back for a job well done. Recognition is a very effective non-monetary motivator, but if no one recognizes your efforts, it’s like being in a relationship that has no affection.
If your boss refuses to acknowledge or commend your accomplishments, you’re less likely to be promoted or given any opportunity to advance on your career. There are no signs for future growth, more reasons for you to look for employment elsewhere. There are companies out there that can value your contribution. Don’t close your eyes and continue working for such organization. Start looking for a new job.

3. Your Company Has Financial Challenges

If your company is losing money, its future (and yours) looks grim. It would probably be wise for you to open your eyes wider for new job opportunities. It doesn’t matter how important or fulfilling your job is because the company may not be able to keep you in that position. You may find yourself jobless whether you like it or not.
In such a situation, the future is not guaranteed and you should play it safe. It’s better for you to be proactive and start looking for a new job at the first sign of trouble in your beloved company.
Whatever the case may be, if you see such signs and feel it’s about time you secure a job elsewhere, don’t discouraged by stories about tough job market. Just dust off you CV and put together several applications to test the water. This may be the start for a new chapter in your life. Your daily sanity and comfort at work depends on you. Start looking for a new job and don’t ignore the signs!

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