How To Write A Cold Call Cover Letter For A Job
A cold call cover letter is sent by a job seeker to a company, hoping that they might get a call for an interview (even though they haven’t applied for a job). In order to be effective, a cold call cover letter needs to be short, relevant and thoroughly researched. It should only be targeted to the company you’re writing.
The advantage of sending a cold call letter is that the prospective employer might have openings in the future for which he might consider the job seeker who has already submitted his qualifications. Follow these steps to write an effective cold call letter:
Step 1: Organize
Although a cold call cover letter is written to a company that doesn’t have any current job openings, it is still good to personalize your letter so that it doesn’t look like a form letter (or junk). Organization makes the letter writing process simple and increases the chances of receiving attention from the prospective employer.
Select the companies you want to approach and inquire about job opportunities. Group the companies according to their industry or if you will move somewhere else in the future, then categorize the companies by region.
Step 2: Address The Receiver
Research the website of the company to find out the hiring manager’s name or contact the HR department to get the names and titles. Always remember to write a personal salutation at the beginning of the letter because it shows your etiquette and that you took time to search for the name of the hiring person. Avoid using an unfriendly greeting, as it will make your letter sound informal and it won’t grab the interest of the reader.
Step 3: Introduction
The introduction of your letter should begin with an attractive statement that involves the reader’s interest. If you’ve graduated recently, go ahead with your letter, writing your academic qualifications and achievements and follow up with one or two sentences that show you’re ready to begin with your career. If you are an experienced professional, write a strong introduction based on your skills.
Step 4: Body
Show your interest in the company by stating any of its recent developments. For example, think that you’re a nurse who is applying at a hospital which is building its separate branch for cancer patients or if you are a writer who would be willing to apply at an academic firm which is expanding its assignment writing services for college and university students.
Write the body of your letter in such a way that it reflects your plan and creativity. You can start like this: “I’m excited about the opening of your new branch for cancer patients or academic literature department as the study of that particular field is one of the areas I’ve specialized in and in which I am highly capable. I would like to join the team of professionals to provide the best expertise in the region.”
Step 5: Closing
The closing paragraph of your letter is as important as the introduction. Conclude with a statement that you’ll contact the company to confirm the receipt of your resume. Mention your contact information including your email and contact number.
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