март 15, 2013

Interview skills

Interview skills

Interview PreparationMuch has been written about interview preparation. Many books are available on the subject
and you will also find guidelines on the Internet.
Below we have summarised the main points to remember when preparing for your interview.
Before the interview:
• Find out about the job and the company. This is will show your interest in the job.
• Find out about the format of the interview and the number of people on the interview panel.
• Study well what you wrote on your application form, cover letter or CV as these documents
   will provide the basis for the questions that you are likely to be asked.
• Prepare four or five key messages that you want to emphasise about yourself at the interview.
• Prepare answers to the questions that you think you might be asked
   (see interview question list at bottom of page).
• Have a mock interview with somebody. A mock interview is a practice interview.
   If possible try to ensure the “interviewer” is someone who is familiar with the type of
   job you are being interviewed for.
• Be prepared for some tough questions. The interviewer will be assessing your motivation
   and attitude plus your ability to deal with difficult situations, think on the spot, etc.
• Have some questions prepared that you would like to ask such as:
-        Training opportunities available
-        New developments for the company or service you might have heard about
-        When will you know the outcome of the interview
-        Questions you have related to the job profile etc.
• Decide on your interview clothes. Choose something that is in keeping with the job you are
   applying for. However make sure it is an outfit that you are comfortable wearing.
• Prepare any documentation you need to bring with you: Copies of C.V., References, Samples of work, etc.
• Remember the interview starts the moment you enter the building.
• Arrive about 10 minutes early just in case of ‘hold ups’ along the way.
• Listen carefully and answer the question asked.
• Ask for clarification if you don’t understand a question.
• Make sure you do most of the talking.
• Remember the interview is a two way process. Ask your questions at the appropriate time.
   This also shows interest and enthusiasm for the job.
Use every opportunity to show that you are a very competent, pleasant and professional person who
is genuinely interested in the job.
-      Greet interviewer(s) with a firm handshake
-      Smile appropriately
-      Maintain good eye contact with all interviewers
-      Go back to a question that you didn’t feel you answered fully, if you feel you would
       like to add something more.
-      Thank the interviewer when the interview is over.
Potential Interview Questions to think about:• Tell us about yourself?
• Why are you interested in this position?
• What do you know about the company?
• What skills, qualities and experience do you bring to this job?
• How would your work colleagues describe you?
• Do you like to work as an individual or as part of a team? Why?
• Describe a situation in which you had to work to deadlines?
• Describe a conflict you encountered and how you handled it.
• What are your greatest strengths?
• What are your weaknesses?
• What motivates you?
• To date, what have been your greatest achievements?
• What have you been doing since your last job?
• Why are you leaving your present position?
• What position do you expect to hold in five years?
After the Interview
Whatever the outcome, see the interview as a good learning experience. Take some time to make notes on:
• What you did well at the interview?
What you would like to improve on for the next interview?

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