септембар 09, 2012



FUDOKAN Karate-do – an integrated system designed to develop a personality, acquiring self-confidence, emotional stability and formation of self-control. Those who practices Fudokan, develop body control, agility and strength, responsibility and understanding for their own actions. Fudokan self-development idea is not to loose your path, moving towards your goal with firm steps.
Fudokan style of karate founded by the doctor of medical sciences, clinical physiology and sports medicine specialist Professor Ilija soke JORGE 10 Dan. He started traning karate when he was 19 years old, with his brother Vladimir Jorge, after a year he became a student of master TETSUJI Murakami and acquired his first Dan from his sensei when he was 27. Later he was thought by masters Taiji Kase and HIDETAKA Nishiyama. Karate master Ilija Jorge – three times European champion, 15 times champion of Yugoslavia, in 1977 World Karate Championships in Tokyo he took third place in kumite and kata events. On November 15 1980, Ilija Jorgo announced his den to Fudokan Karate-do Federation, which soon was approved and accepted as a traditional karate style by ITKF (International Traditional Karate Federation) and then it was approved the legendary Karate Master Sensei Nishiyama HIDETAKA.
Appendix “The Den” shows that the style belongs to traditional karate. The word “Fudo” in Japanese means “firmness, solidity, resistance” and the “kan” is translated as “house”. Put together we get “an indestructible home” or “the house with a solid foundation.” Fudokan technology is reflected in kata (jap. “Shape”) mostly taken from the Shotokan Karate style, three of them taken from Goju-Ryu and Shito-ryu style, and some were created by Sensei Ilija Jorge himself. By studying karate for over 50 years prof. I. JORGE has further enhanced the concept of Karate by applying medicine, physiology and sports technology know-how. Since he had experience in judo, he included in fudokan style throws, grasps by kimono.


This is the first and the main fusion of karate, which links all elements of the traditional kata. This form gives new opportunities to learn and study karate from the initial stage to the highest. It is first necessary to master the five Heiankata. Kata Heian Oi-Kumi is also the first step towards becoming a karate master. Teachers like the old JKA Sensei Taiji Kase diligently improved the Heian katas by constantly analyzing techniques and their applications. In traditional Fudokan karate katas developed in a structured form of Heian-oh-kumi. It has been adapted to Fudokan style in the early eighties. By performing Heian Oi-Kumi, within 2 minutes one reaches physical limits of endurance of his body, similar to those we face towards the end of Jiyu-kumite fighting time. The form has the main blocks, shocks, jumps, transitions – the elements that constitute Fudokan karate training. Good quality and performed Heian Oi-Kumi shows karateka’s skill level.  In order to properly master this kata karateka has to train intensely for 3-4 years. This kata features: 7-ki ai.
There are two main forms of these Fudokan master karate katas. Partly created by Prof.  I. Jorga teacher Sensei Taiji Kase, who used the Shotokan Karate concept to create Fudokan karate principles. In this way, one of Bu-Do rules were realized, in other words, the rule of Shu-Ha-Ri.Taiji Shodan is composed of a double blocks chain, they are carried out at three levels and becomes logically coherent whole, carried out by embu-sen, forming the letter “T”.  This kata has inherited typical elements of school of Naha-Te (Shorin-Ryu). Another kata Taiji nidan is dominated by elements from Shuri-Te (Shorin Ryu) school. Taiji Shodan kata was first performed in 1981, then it was included in the 1st Dan exams program.
All the famous schools of karate has an average of 20 kata. However, over the years this number decreased to 10, because katas are closely related. Kata Kaminari analysis carried out in accordance with the original principles that were applied in Okinawa. Here we have constant changes. Fast and slow movements, strong and gentle, firm and smooth, straight and round, low and high punches, jumps and throws. Kaminari kata is similar to SEKKO-No-Ki, a spark from flint split. Kata based on performer’s lightning fast movements, so fast that there is no time for mental reaction. Speed is necessary feature of karateka: even the wisdom, strength of spirit or mental energy depends on the psychological dynamics. In short: the reaction between impulse to act and acting must be faster than the mental course of events. Kaminari kata is the best example of the principle of Mushin-No-Kokoro (unshaken wisdom / unshakeable principle of the mind) formulated by legendary fencer Yagyu MUNENORI (XVII)  This principle requires to get separated from feelings and allows for the powerful techniques that are free from mind interference. Kaminari is a fundamental kata that does not depend on style or karate school. Its name derives from the phrase of which the author was a teacher of Zen-Takuarz. “Kan–Ni–Hatsu–o–Irezu” line means the spontaneous and lightning fast performance of form, which allows you to react independently by lowering the level of consciousness. Kata Kaminari was presented to Fudokan in 1986 Karate seminar held in Budapest. It is included in 4 and 5 Dan’s examination program.
Creator of Meikyo kata is unknown. The emergence of this kata in Ryu Kyu Islands archipelage is associated with the legend of the “sinking ships”, belonging to the royal fleet in China. After the ship has sunk, Meikyo creator settled in a small town of Tomari. Based on the form of kata or techniques it can be said that the concept comes from the southern Chinese territory. But to know more about it is impossible. Subsequent historical development of kata are easier to detect, especially among karatekas who were interested in this kata. The biggest merit for transferring this kata to the younger generation belong to karatekas who were students of master Gusukumy. Today, there are many variations of Meikyo (Rohai) kata. Around the middle of Nineteenth century there were two principal directions of this kata. The first line is a master of knowledge GASUKUMY to Anko Itosu (1830-1915), characterized by the school Shuri-te. Another direction is to the knowledge of GUSUKUMY Kanryo Higaonna (1851-1915), with some characteristics of Naha-Te school. With kata Meikyo (Rohai)system one should concentrate on the understanding and mastering of school Shuri-Te principles. When it comes to the external form of the kata, then there are different techniques which are characteristic to majority of styles originating from the school of Shorin-Ryu. Nationalist movement in Japan increased between I and II World War II and forced to turn away quickly from whatever had connections with Chinese culture. Under these circumstances, Sensei Gichin Funakoshi was forced to change the names of katas from Chinese to Japanese, soRohai became Meikyo.Meikyo Shodan reflects Shuri-Te (Shorin-Ryu) school tradition so it can be called Meikyo-Shuri-Te, and Meikyo nidanhas elements from Naha-Te school (Shorin-Ryu), so it can be called Meikyo-Naha-Te. Both forms included in Fudokan in eighties. Meikyo Shodan first demonstrated in 1982, and Meikyo nidan – 1988.

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