Starting a new job is an exciting time in anyone’s life – no matter what your age or situation when undertaking it. There will be plenty of things you must prepare, such as what you’ll wear on your first day, how you’ll schedule your day, and how you’ll get there, but what about once you’re in your new work environment?
While you’ll find countless articles and tutorials offering advice on the application and interviewing processes, these tips seem to dry up once you actually get your foot in the door. You’ll obviously want to make a good impression, and this will take up the majority of your focus, but what else should you look for?
Your actions in your new workplace are important, there’s no doubt about that. However, your employer has just as many things to think about. Creating a safe and comfortable work environment is one of them. If things aren’t up to standard, then you’re entitled to bring their attention to this fact – whether it’s your first day or not.
No one should be expected to work somewhere that is not safe or comfortable. Here is a brief guide of five things to look for in a new work environment to make sure you get the most out of your job (and it gets the most out of you!):
1. Health And Safety Protocols
When arriving in your new workplace, you should be informed of the location of certain things. You should also go through the basic procedures and protocols at your place of work. Health and safety should be a major part of this, so it is important that you are sufficiently briefed on what to do in certain situations.
From learning the correct procedures needed to lift heavy items to being shown where health and safety equipment is stored and knowing how to use it correctly, there are plenty of things that should be covered.
If these things aren’t covered, then you’re entitled to ask for more information or training. Any accident or injury you sustain as a result of lack of information or training can be classified as negligence.
2. Equipment And Uniforms
Following on from the above, if you work in a hazardous industry then it is important that your employer provides you with the necessary equipment, tools, or uniform. Where heavy objects and hazards are involved, protective equipment is a vital addition. This equipment should include items such as hard hats and steel toe-capped boots.
Your employer is responsible for providing certain safety equipment supplies and ensuring that these supplies are kept topped up is also within their remit. Some firms may charge you for replacements if you damage or lose your equipment or uniform, but it is important that you’re given everything you need to get on with the task at hand.
3. Fire Wardens And Training
Another important aspect to consider when entering a new workplace is the fire safety protocols that are in place. You should be given training on how to evacuate the building during a fire and be notified of who the designated fire wardens are within the building. This is vital information that can prove invaluable if a fire does break out, so it is important that you ask questions about this if it is missed from your induction.
4. First Aid Book
Accidents do happen (unfortunately) and, when they do, you need to be able to record them formally. All places of work should be equipped with a first aid or accident book. This gives employees a place to record any injuries they sustain. Even if the injury is small it is important that you record the details immediately as this information may need to be used later and employers cannot give you the help or support you need if they’re unaware that an accident took place.
5. Temperature Controls
This may seem like a strange idea to end with, but your working environment is just that – an environment. This means that it needs to be kept at a comfortable temperature that is conducive to work and your health.
Offices or workplaces that are too hot or too cold can lead to a number of health issues including headaches, fatigue, drowsiness, and even faintness.
Always look for signs that your new environment has taken measures to control the environment where you’ll be working. These include air conditioning and heating systems.